What a waste of paper! Do not need 6 sets of answers. Yes, some families do. Why not just ask them to request more forms?
Q.5. Do you stay at another address for more than 30 days a year? Which year? Well, parts of every half-term school holidays, parts of Christmas, Easter and Summer school holidays, Have not actually bothered to keep count.
Q. 13. How is your health in general? Only person who knows the answewr to that is my doctor. Patient confidentiality!
Q. 17. This questionh is intentionally left blank. Did they get the layout wrong?
Q. 19 . How well can you speak English? Er, dunno, whatever, depends, innit?
Q. 28. If a job had been available last week, could you have started it within two weeks? Retired. Could that not have been included in a previous question?
Who is going to check whether or not I have told the truth?