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The ugliest men on tv

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avanalarf | 14:22 Sun 29th May 2011 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers
Presenting the football last night: Adrian Chiles, Harry Redknapp and Gareth Southgate. (does Roy Keane count as ugly?)

Has there ever been an uglier group of men on screen at the same time?


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I also wouldn't consider any of them ugly.
with very short hair roy keane, is very handsome !
The epitomy of ugliness - Graham Norton
I think if you watch the first episode of Geordie Shore you'll find a bunch of them on there.I caught a bit of it and they are seriously scary looking blokes!!
Have you ever watched PM's Question time? Hundreds of ugly know-it-alls on view there
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Even an ugly MP can find that special relationship
no mention of Rooney - now that is ugly!
late 90's early noughties man utd had dennis irwin, luke chadwick, phil neville and gary neville (aka manc chuckle brothers) ruud van nistelrooy and juan sebastian veron in the team at the same time, these are arguably the igliest players in history, and would of at some point been on telly together....
beauty is subjective, whilst you may find them ugly, there is probably a man or woman somewhere drooling at any of them
I think Adrian Chiles is nice.
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there's one
Well, not to the extent of drooling.
If we are not restricted to presenters then I believe the Uruguay football team in 1966 were quite scary.
the barca manager was NOT ugly, last night !!!!!!!!!
I think Roy Keane is good looking.

I worry for Louise Rednap, though, imagine waking up one morning and finding Jamie, has turned into Harry...................................
lol at chaf
Well, if we're including sporting teams, Scotman . . .
oh nooo :)
Peter Beardsley still takes some beating...............

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