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War Horse

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lumination | 10:37 Sun 04th Dec 2011 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers
before i go see it at the cinema, tell me something, does the horse die?


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I would like to see this too, but the theatre puppet version - looks stunning !
There are loads of people on here who will want to go and see this without knowing the ending. Bit unfair to ask, or indeed answer, on a public forum.
no chance i'm watching this i'll be in tears from the start
reminds me of a picture my great grandmother had of a WWl soldier holding his dying horses head it was called goodbye old friend I think my sister kept it
I saw the site being prepared for the World War 1 battle scenes - amazing - some est 10 acres of land worked over into trenches, barbed wire and all the rest. It was just outside Guildford by the A3 and M25, Elm Corner, and there is an old airfield in there.

Nearby residents all got some not inconsiderable recompensation for the night scenes (though many of them stayed to watch) and the dust - they flattened everything afterwards but the dust coming off in wind was horrendous...
Substitute Warhorse for Black Beauty and set it in the First World War. That about sums it up
the question title makes clear the risk of spoilers, SeaJayPea; anyone who doesn't want to know shouldn't click on it
yeh,good oldfashioned flick

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