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emmie | 09:51 Mon 30th Apr 2012 | Film, Media & TV
66 Answers
i know there are some on here who are following this programme.
I will either buy the DVD, or hope that they repeat it. Very good some of the bits i have watched. is it Brody that's the mole, an Al Quaeda operative, because after going to that store and trying on the Vest, can only surmise it is.


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However, I think Mandy Patinkin doesn't do baddies....
saul...........was in a medical programme years ago. can any aber remember what it was called ?
Chicago Hope ?
He was also in Criminal Minds.
For Chrissa1 - Walker took a piece of paper- not money I believe - that contained the key and address to a storage facility where the long range gun was held.
True, true lynbrown, sorry.

Buildersmate, they were talking about classified information in the hospital corridor because Carrie was in the grip of her bi-polar disorder and he couldn't shut her up. I hope it's not Saul
If it is Saul, it will certainly be a twist that no other writer, as far as I know, has ever come up with. He's Jewish. Curiouser and curiouser.
There have been so many twists that have changed my mind that I've given up surmising. Last night's episode was particulaely good. I've also thought Walker would stop Brodie from blowing himself up but then the second series as well, that's confusing - who's in it etc?
There is gonna be a series 2!!!
Just to tell you all. I have seen the final episode and DO NOT MISS IT
I've been enjoying Homeland very much.

As I see it, Brody and Walker have both been turned. Brody is the main operative, the one whose mission is to kill a senior member(s) of the US Gov, at least including the Vice President who sanctioned the attack that killed Abu Nazir's son. Walker is Brody's cover, designed to deflect attention away from Brody and be the one that everyone is looking for. If he can inflict some damage in the meantime, or even accomplish the main mission, then so much the better.

The mole is probably Estes (black CIA boss), who Brody called last night to go and shut up Carrie. Brody realises that Carrie is on to something with her analysis and he needs her to be sidelined before she reaches the logical conclusion - that Abu Nazir's actions have been driven by mourning and revenge for his dead son. Brody told Carrie that he loved Nazir, which he now realises was a mistake - it could lead her to realise that Brody is a threat when she works out Nazir's motivation.

Saul has done too much good to be the mole. The long drive back from Mexico with the woman terrorist, and the piecing together of Carrie's work last night, would be senseless actions if he was the mole. Neither action was required of him in his work, but he chose to do them in order to solve the case ...
I still think Saul is the moloe, the twist being that he's a Jew, I also think that the Brodie/Walker thing is two separate ops which are now fallng over each other. Brodie was a brilliant guest host on HIGNFY o Friday!
I love Damien Hurst in anything and if blows himself up I might just stop watching it as he is so good in the part.
I'm not even gonna guess what's going to happen because to be honest, I'd rather not know as I enjoy the suspense.
I think you mean you love Damian Lewis in anything. Damien Hirst is a different kettle of fish ...
I am off to watch it on catchup right now - it sounds like the series is getting better and better! and yes, I thought he was great on HIGNFY as well.
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Damien Lewis, not Hirst i hope...
I hope no one does a spoiler for those who are following it avidly.

As to Mandy Patankin he is a very good singer, I remember seeing him in various roles, not least the absolutely brilliant character Montoya in The Princess Bride, still one of the funniest send ups of fairy story land.
You spotted my deliberate mistake :-)
Yes I did mean Damian Lewis, have heard of Damien Hurst but wouldn't know him if I fell over him.
Em10 re the Princess Bride , we saw this at the pictures years ago and we kept trying to spot the actifed bottle! Watch it again and see what I mean ,talk about subliminal advertising.
i think its damian hirst......... an artist! i think walker is trying to kill brody !
Islasmum, I agree. I thought he handled HIGNFY very well indeed.

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