I was allways told hen finished a meal I should leave my knife & fork together in the center of the plate pointing away from myself. This way the waiter would know I am finished. Is this still considered good manners. As I see most people now a days leaving cuterlery just strewn all over the plate.
Thank you
Yes it is, in this country. In some other parts of the world, people rest their cutlery separately on opposite sides of the plate to show they've finished.
And it helps the waiter or whoever clears the table, because they can pick up knife and fork together in one movement. So it's common sense, not just a matter of some fancy bit of etiquette.
Can't say I've noticed anyone not doing it. Perhaps the offenders have never had to clear a table or wash up.
I was also taught that is a safety thing. The cutlery is stable when left that way so the plate and cutlery can be picked up easily without risking the cutlery falling off the plate and injuring someone. I had a german friend who used to leave hers at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock horizontally across the plate for the same reason. I prefer the UK method because its easier to pick the cutlery off the plate by the handles.
Yes I do that without thinking another thing I do which is a bit odd and I have no idea where it comes from but I always leave a bit of food at the side of my plate.
As for manners though people who talk whilst eating really bugs me.
I presume you mean talking with their mouths full Arksided rather than having a conversation over a a meal. I love eating out with friends and having chats - would be a bit boring in silence ;o).
I like my food too much to leave some food at the side of the plate ;o) Besides it makes it an awful chore to do the dishes if people have left some food on the plate!!
Arksided - I have a friend who always leaves a bit of food on her plate too. She says she was brought up to live a little piece of food "for Mr Manners". I've no idea what that is all about - I certainly scoff anything that's edible.
Ian - yes, I put my cutlery together as well. It just makes sense really.
There are a lot of things done in the past that seem to be considered optional these days. It's a reasonable practice but in my experience the waiter still asks if you've finished. Continue to do so if it pleases you.
I also leave my knife and fork like that on my plate. And so does my husband. But to try and get the grandchildren to do it is another thing. On sil has terrible tables manners ...walks away from the table when finished......leaves his knife and fork where it lands.! No wonder the children think we are nagging when we try and correct them.! The other sil is a lot stricter and the children know it.