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The Girl Who Became Three

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Dee Sa | 22:26 Tue 07th Aug 2012 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers
Just watched it and wish I had not bothered. Lost the plot half way through and one young totally deluded lady who will always"love" a non existant person and still talking as though they actually existed, gullible youth.


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Erin, I haven't read this but I hope it says all you need to know.
Good god! Their physical relationship must not have been very physical then. I'll have to watch it on catch up or something.

Thanks Naomi x
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erin x I wouldnt bother if I was you !
Erin, //Their physical relationship must not have been very physical then.//

Oh it was. One of the victims found the appropriate 'tool' (sorry - couldn't think of a better description) in her bag.
I caught the last half of it on 47 after the original showing. Don't know what I missed in the first half but I wanted to know about the perpetrator as I learned practically nothing of her motives for doing what she did or her background etc and she was the most interesting character in the whole sorry tale. I was amazed at the gullibility of her two victims but perhaps I'm too old to remember what it's like to be their age. Very odd story.
I've not watched it yet, I've recorded it. So basically, this girl boy was a lesbian who was maybe ashamed to admit it so pretended to be a boy?
That was suggested.

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The Girl Who Became Three

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