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The Girl Who Became Three

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Dee Sa | 22:26 Tue 07th Aug 2012 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers
Just watched it and wish I had not bothered. Lost the plot half way through and one young totally deluded lady who will always"love" a non existant person and still talking as though they actually existed, gullible youth.


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I also lost the plot...though I watched to the end. I doubt she'll be saying the same when she gains a bit of least I hope not. I can't imagine being duped like that,and still seeing it as a memorable first love.
The title was 'The Girl who became Three Boys', and I was just about to post something about it. I found it absolutely fascinating. I cannot imagine what was going on in this girl's head. So incredibly devious.
What got me was when the young girl (who was duped twice) said 'he' never spoke, just answered by text!!!
B I didn't find the plot difficult to follow but did wonder about the maturity of the girls involved, I can't work out if they were exceptionally naive or the 'boy' was exceptionally intelligent, I'm currently going on the former.

I do think it's a bit harsh regarding the comments about her first love though. As she says, she knows that the fella didn't actually exist but all the feelings she had were real enough to her, as well as the memories she has of them as couple. I liken it to a couple who have divorced, you may come to hate the person or believe they're not the same person you fell in love with, but you can't undo the memories of the feelings you once had for that person. I think it's actually quite simple to understand in that respect.
It was a bit strange. I think if I started seeing a boy at that age that always had a hat on and a hood down to his eyes I'd be bored of him by date 2.
Me too Ummmm, but he clearly fascinated these young girls - maybe because they thought he resembled Justin Beiber - and who at 15 wouldn't want a boyfriend who resembled him! (Not sure I've spelt his name right - but my excuse is I'm not 15).
Girls may see a boy like that as a bit of a bad boy...and also-they may not be assertive enough yet to ask him to dress differently.
I didn't watch it. What was the motive behind her actions?
We didn't get any information really about the actual culprit unfortunately.
I had 2 jobs at 15. The rest of my spare time was spent playing pool and darts.
I have just watched a bit and deleted it, from experience of teaching hundreds of teenage girls they see what they want. Just found it a but irritating that they were so taken in.
It seems they will put up with anything just to say they have a boyfriend.

Who would put up with anyone in the same room only communicating by text and not speaking? Naive or not thats just mad!
I wasn't so interested in it from the victims' point of view - teenage girls are peculiar (I know because I was one) - but more from the point of view of the psyche of the perpetrator. This was devious - and it was extraordinarily clever.
Agreed sillie. I thought there was something remarkably strange about the girls who were duped. It would be interesting to know more about their backgrounds as well, they just seemed so utterly clueless.
The girl who showed her face went to live with her gran at 14, maybe she has her own story.
I found myself wondering how she hid all 'his' clothing...she must have had an extensive wardrobe of boys clothing for all 3 personas. And did her parents never notice?
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no one explained where the "pretend boy" got all the money to have three phones, three lots of different trendy clothes and not to mention all those hats! and at one stage as a girl she had a car to take the others out, where did she get her money ? no mention of wealthy parents or a job.
I wondered about the money - and the parents too. Perhaps she really did live in that expensive gated community.
Can someone give me a wee breakdown of the program? I noticed it earlier but then forgot about it :|
i heard the commentator say that her Mother bought her the car.
Think it was to cheer the man girl up when she felt a bit down?

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