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Pete Duel

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lindapinda | 02:04 Tue 28th Jun 2005 | Film, Media & TV
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Anybody else here a Pete Duel fan?Do you still find that every time you see a repeat of Alias Smith and Jones,you just think he had that special something that sets him apart from any other actor?


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lindapinda, I was too shy to say that I had a sort of shrine; the whole corner was done up in mauve tissue paper with his photos + my politics was showing as I also had a picture of Trotsky with the ice pick!

But that episode, wasn't it with Sally Field? It took me ages to get hold of a copy of the revrd!

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Hi Artful,no it wasn't Sally Field,I think the one you were thinking of was where they had hidden stuff in a field.After I met my husband ,we were doing the,"What famous person do you remind me of "thing,and he said Sally Field.I was so pleased,and still am,cos she was one of Pete's girlfriends.There is no real resemblance,other than being small and dark with chubby cheeks,but,hey,we take what we can! You would think that after 30 odd years,I'd grow up,but there'll never be someone like him again will there!
After all these years I see I wasn't alone! Gosh, I am glad you posted this thread, lindapinda! And really glad I found it, albeit late in the day...
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Actually,on one of the Pete Duel websites,I found a "where were you when you heard the news"thread,and it was amazing how many people had such vivid memories of that day and afterwards.Reading their descriptions,I felt like you,and was thinking,o.m.g.other people felt just like me at the time! Also,these same people,over 30years later,still wanted to talk about him! It's liberating!

Can you point me in the direction of the website, lindapinda? I was babysitting for people at the top of the road!
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Can't remember which site it was,had a go looking today,but I will find it,don't you worry.Will let you know as soon as possible!
I'll be right here waiting, lindapinda.

Hi back again

Yes it was Life I used on the funeral sheets and it was extremely well recieved.

Sally Field was Clementine, Take A Look Around was sung by Tim Morgan, I have the 45 record here somehwere, I can find the A>S>& J theme on 45 but the other disc is not with it. Both were on MCA records.

I also have the Wordsworth poem, "She dwelt amidst the Untrodden Ways" on an LP, 3 stars to anyone who can remember where that link takes us.

Plus I bought a copy of Life On the Mississippi, and highlighted the section they used, another three  stars to the person who can name the innovation that the duo used for a con.

I love this thread, it makes me feel I am not alone!

cheers to all

Dot Hawkes 

Of course, dothawkes, Clementine. As for the con - you wicked person, you!  I'm not going to settle until I remember and it is on the tip of my memory!!!
Bises, Artful xxx
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Have been away a few days,so my search for the website will be starting again Artful! Is the wordsworth poem from an episode of The Virginian,where he played a character who was involved with a girl called Laura?I remember looking it up and learning it."a violet by a mossy stone etc"isn't that it?
I don't think I saw him in "The Virginian" and I was a regular wather of that.
When that first started we didn't have BBC2 and my uncle would take me round to his girlfriends to watch it!! I ADORED Trampus but when I heard that Doug McLure had died I was just sad. Very sad, but that was all.
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Spent half the evening looking for that thread,to no avail I'm afraid.I saw it about a year ago,so it may just have been something that was on a site for a certain period of time only.However,2 really good sites which have a lot of info etc.are Alias smith and Jones Collection and The Pete Duel Memorial Site.You are just going to love them Artful! I didn't remember him from The Virginian either,but years later I saw the episode in a rerun.Needless to say,the relevant entry from Radio Times was added to my scrapbook! I used to like Trampas too,thought he had great shoulders!
I've just logged onto The Pete Duel Site, isn't it something else, lindapinda? You said I was going to love it (not found the other one yet) and you were so right! I feel like I'm 16 again!!!!!!!!

It was the episode of The Virginian where he played Jim Dewey and he recited the poetry to Elizabeth, he had been shot and was recovering at Shiloh.

The con with the Mark Twain book "Life on The Mississippi" was fingerprinting.

Does anyone ever wonder where Pete would have been today if he had still been around?  I often see the TV stars of those times and they are still remembered fondly for their work then, but do you think he was feeling as though he was in a place he could not move on from?  Hey now look at that, I have never actually tried to understand what happened and here I am actually trying to debate it all.  That is not like me, I avoid reality when ever possible.

Dot Hawkes

Finally that con brings back no memories, Dot but it has incited me to look.
reckon he would be doing the sort of roles that Doug McLure found himself doing but that I still got a warm feeling watching. I've not seen his brother in anything for years and I often wonder about him - they were so alike but for the parting on opposite sides.
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I think you are correct Dot,in your idea that Pete was in a place in life where he felt caught.The weird thing,is that although none of us ever knew him,there was just this energy that seemed to shine out of him,that made us all feel personally involved with him,and not just at an actor level.He was such a special person,and totally unique.I was looking tonight to see if I could find something more recent on Geoff,Artful,google the words Geoffrey Deuel Filmography.The first website shown will bring up a film he made in 2001,called 108 stitches.Look up the cast for this,and you'll find a picture!Still looking good too!So weird to see it though.                        

Not had time to look up Geoffrey Deuel hope to do so tomorrow. But I'm going to change subject very briefly, lindapinda.

On a thread about sleeping you talk about summer duvets; I've been wondering for a while about getting one or is it just a commercial argument? Generally in the summer I put on just a sheet but that can be a bit chilly if the temp suddenly drops like it is doing at the moment

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Definetely not a commercial arguement Artful! I couldn,t recommend a low tog duvet highly enough. It's the difference between sleeping or being in a sauna.We've been using a 4.0 tog for 12years now,generally between May to September. As you say,a sheet is too light sometimes.It doesn,t have to be any of the expensive duvet suppliers,I just bought a store's own brand.Enjoy!
Thanks for such a quick answer, darlin'. I think I'll order one tomorrow (I get all my bedlinen mailorder - Linvosges but I don't think it's known in Britain).

The ASJ Collection website has a thread on "Do you remember what you were doing..." where people have posted their memories of the day they heard Pete had died.  If you want to see it, you can go to and then use the search function to search the message board for "Do you remember what you were doing..."

Some of the memories are very touching.  No, ALL of the memories are very touching. 

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