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Corrie; Roy's Mother!!

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netibiza | 20:16 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers
Classic: "Warning? I'm your mother, not a tsunami !!" worthy of Blanche.


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I nearly dropped a pan of curry!!!!!!!!
She IS hilarious.. I think she HAS been drafted in to step in to Blanches slingbacks...
Cannot stand the old bat !!!
She has some great lines tonight.
I really like her. I like Stephanie Cole as an actress. I thought it was great how she was so obviously dumped and then put on a brave face and made out it was her choice to leave. It made me feel really sad. Some actresses could never have achieved this. I look forward to seeing more of her (and less please of Gail. I find Helen Worth now completely overacts and it is embarrasing!)
Stephanie Cole ranks among the great British actresses along with Maggie Smith. IMO.
Only me can't stand the old bat then ??!
Yep, only you Chap ;o)
I couldn't stand Blanche either, when everybody else liked her !
Love her in Corrie but couldn't stand her in Waiting for God (awful programme) Loved the classic (above) tonight, it made me laugh out loud! Brilliant!
Actually, I love her character. She has a lot of 'balls'. I have met quite a few elderly women just like her character actually. They have been through a lot in their life and can be brusque and seem quite hard because of it. But they have a soft centre. They have learned to put on a tough, coping exterior - it's what keeps them going.
Chap..........does that mean you have no sense of humour, or irony.
Is that you then Lottie? (giggle) LOL
I have a great sense of humour, just don't like 'old bat' humour ......
I am not 'elderly' Anne!!! How very dare you ;o)

Do I come over as hard with a soft centre!!!!!

(I am only 65, he, he)
I loved Stephanie Cole in Doc Martin. She was also wonderful in Tenco, which some of you youngsters won't even remember!!! She is amongst one of our finest actresses. Perhaps Chap just doesn't like the person she is in Corrie.

Personally, I do though. She is the sort of person I would like as a friend!!
It's the character I can't stand of course. I think some of her lines are cruel (as were Blanche's), but we are supposed to find it funny ?

Very sensible of her American bloke to dump her (lol).
Well I think Stephanie cole plays a great character and Blanche is still very much missed in our household.
I loved Blanche. No-one can replace her.
Must admit, that line did make me LOL.

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Corrie; Roy's Mother!!

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