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Michael Buble (The One Show)

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Caribeing | 18:33 Mon 15th Apr 2013 | Film, Media & TV
27 Answers
Michael Buble singing "You Make Feel So Young" can't compare with Frank Sinatra!


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Lol. It's ok. I've Googled him now :-)
My father was a top baritone / tenor in his day, many many years ago. So as a child I was surrounded by great singers, including people like Judy Garland etc. I used to sing with my dad sometimes and developed a "good ear" as they used to call it. True, Frank Sinatra was / is amazing! But, on the whole, I prefer Michael Buble. He is a far more relaxed singer with an outstanding voice and a character that allows him to put great emotion into any song. For me personally, I find him far more enjoyable to listen to ... oh, and of course to look at too, lol! Frank's version of "You make me feel so young" was like all of his work ... immaculate timing, vocal tone, interpretation etc. But personally, I still prefer Michael's more relaxed version. It is just that tiny bit more believable! :o)
I absolutely despair
i dont like him :( hello ms c :)
Lovely to see you anne x
On the John Wayne acting ability I love the story about when he played the Centurian in "The Greatest Story Ever Told" and he had one line to say which was when Jesus was dying on the cross. The line was "Surely that was the son of God." After many attempts to put some emotion in the line the director told him to put awe in it. John then said the classic line "Aw, surely that was the son of God."
That ----- I like.

Is it true?

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Michael Buble (The One Show)

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