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Female Dr Who?

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flipnflap | 09:39 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | Film, Media & TV
53 Answers
there's now talk in the Media of the next Dr Who being female? What do you think and who do you suggest?


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David Oyelowo.
Stephen Fry.
Idris Elba has been mentioned, I'd watch it then............
It's unfortunate one needs the regeneration thing to account for new actors, but to arbitrarily change things like gender too ? Another stupid idea. Hey why not have him/her/it regenerate into a Silurian to go the whole hog while they are at it ?
Is it not time to change it to Doctor What (Whats the point of it ever since I was a child I did not like it and that last effort just proved me right )
Robbie Williams.
The re-casting of Dr Who generates stupid ill-thought-out suggestions like no other show.
Olly Murs
Don't hold back Backdrifter, tell us what you really think.
Dr Who being played by a woman?!?

It would take all the credibility away from a character with two hearts, of indeterminate age, who can regenerate into a totally different 'shell', and travels through space and time in an old Police -box........

I mean, c'mon.........
Not quite as bad has having a female James Bond though is it !.
There is such a thing as artistic integrity. It would break the canon to have a female Doctor as the society of Timelords has a clearly established existence of gender roles. These things matter -- to sad people like me.
Artistic integrity........Dr Who...........hmmmm........seem a little at odds to me.

[And I speak as one who has been watching Dr Who for longer than I care to admit.]

the doctor will never have a female incarnation
The closest to PC this is ever going to get is a ginger.....Rupert Grint will be the next doctor
That puts me in mind of Emma Watson as the Doctor. "Stop, stop, you're going to put someone's eyeout with that screwdriver!"
IF there must be a female doctor, please don't go with Liz Hurley.

Idris Elba is a dish if we can't have Johnny Depp.'re appealing to my baser instincts...Liz Hurley as the Doctor.....hmmm
Well she does have a nice pair of sonic screwdrivers !.
:-D Slappy!!

How about Minty for a female Dr Who?

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