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Ummmm - sorry, ironically I was eating my tea! I am a lot stronger and more capable, I have a strong belief in the fact that I am right and I am doing the right thing, I am no-one's doormat and I can tackle any problem. When we got ripped off and lost everything a second time we just ploughed on and got going again. We are resourceful and resilient now, not much, if anything can faze us. When himself was so ill last year we could have thrown the towel in but I refused to let himself sit around like an invalid, so I coaxed and cajoled him and now he is just as focused as me. I know I sound like some complete control freak but I see the bigger picture than him.
I am more empathetic than before, before all of this it wouldn't have even occurred to me consider the issues facing some people. Now I can see it and feel sorry that they can't escape it all. What winds me up is sweeping generalisations about people on benefits (been there and it is horrible) and people on benefits with screwed up spending priorities (people bleating about having no money for Christmas and then going off to get a new tattoo (not anti tattoos).