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Ant & Dec

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grumpy01 | 21:40 Sun 18th May 2014 | Film, Media & TV
43 Answers
Why are those two little s???s so popular? beats me.


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I agree with grumpy, I think they are two of the most irritating people on telly. Anything with them in it means that I will definitely not be watching
17:21 Tue 20th May 2014
I quite like them as people, but I think the fact they keep winning these awards simply shows the poor standards on offer - there's no competition for them.
They are so charismatic that they insist on appearing on tv so that Ant is on the left and Dec is on the right just so that viewers can tell which is which.
I think they're very likeable, in small doses.
Grumpy, why don't you tell us why you despise them so much?
It could just be that it's a break from all the queens, from smarmy to screaming, who inhabit our idiot boxes.
I agree with all the replies that say they are great . Always well presented .I have always enjoyed their programmes .
Can't stand them but I just switch over when they come on. Heard once years ago that they would be the next Morecambe and Wise - sorry but nobody could take the place of M&W.
I find them irritating and very juvenile. They will probably be the same 30 years from now.
I don't watch their programmes as they just aren't of interest to me.

Having heard them on Desert Island Discs I was impressed with their work ethic and attitude.

To call the s***s is uncalled for.
My Mum died last April, in the very much advanced stage of dementia. We had looked after her for 8 years, she was 94, and no longer knew us. The one and only thing that made her smile was to see Ant and Dec on tv, so they will do fine for me,and I thank them for being silly and funny.
Your name is your answer.
They are certainly not to my taste, but I'm certainly not moved to call them "two little s???s.
Because they everybodys little brothers, sons, nephews and brothers...what's not to like ?
I agree with well you are named !
I like them too as an elderly relative of mine loved them, they're just fun, take them as that, what harm are they doing? I agree with mikey4444 who agrees with koiman.
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I just don't understand how a lot of you like these two talentless little ????.Harmless fun ?what's entertaining about getting some of our D list celebrities to have spiders crawling all over them.Also they are involved with Britain,sorry Europe's got talent, another show which is not all it seems,ask the Mother of that boy who was rejected when he was told he wouldn't be.Sorry they do absolutely nothing for me.
dear me someone got out of bed wrong side, i adore them, would love a night out with them, they are not afraid to make fools of themselves and their friendship shines thorough certainly not little s---s
They are so cute! Actually remind me of Morecambe and Wise
I think they are better than Morecambe and Wise.!!
Getting spiders etc to crawl all over people? It's a job to them they don't actually devise the show surely? I like them, inoffensive, no swearing nor all the other rubbish that some celebs come out with. Give me them anytime up against Jonathan dRoss!

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