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James Bond

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cpmcmahon | 13:35 Tue 16th Jul 2002 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Is there anyone who doesn't think that Sean Connery was the best Bond?


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I'm probably going to get shouted at, but I really liked Timothy Dalton.
It is obvious to anyone who knows anything that the supreme Bond was George Lazenby!
Gotta be Brosnan.
I'm firmly in the Roger camp. No one can wear a safari suit with the same degree of casuality Roger Moore.
Yes...'Roger Moore', 'camp' and 'safari suit' in the same sentence (although I have to admit I did laugh in Live and Let Die when he pretended to be dead and then rose up, projecting a not very Bondish "Woooo!")
My favourite film is OHMSS, Lazenby is a proper english gent. Of course it could be Diana Rigg that made the film for me.

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