I watched this on playback yesterday, and was shocked to see the Manchester family have 1 large pit bull type dog and 4 Rottweiler's in what appears to be a very tiny living room. I recall a tragic story last year in which a 14 year old girl lost her life to 3/4 very large frustrated dogs being kept in a tiny house. Surely this is wrong, I've looked on the RSPCA website and can't really find anything on the subject.
Anyone looking in our lounge will see two large dogs laying about, what they won't see is me taking them out for 1 to 1½ hours twice a day, maybe this family does something similar.
I keep on thinking I recognise him - bt I do live in Manchesters
we dont see the other 23 3/4 hrs in their day
The three Indians for example I dont think live together but just get together to watch the prog
and so I think it is with the Manc family - a close knit family congregating and the pog-dogs saying "we want some of the lime light too - dogs have opinions...."
I like the sausage dog ( Sarndwich ) - and also the lady vicar's dog
and the family with the German and the silent fella ( no dog )
I loved the Northern girl when they were watching the programme about the house built in an alley.
Her mother said "what sort of people would live in a house like that?"
Her daughter "The *** Borrowers"...priceless!!