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No Tv For Me Today .

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anneasquith | 00:26 Fri 26th Dec 2014 | Film, Media & TV
14 Answers
any suggestions for catch-up tomorrow ( I don't watch soaps ) thnx .


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Depends what sort of programmes you enjoy. I recorded Downton Abbey and we watched Michael McIntyre - always good for a laugh .........
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thanks ann. will do downtown, but I draw the line at Michael McIntyre, ( he's rubbish ) :)
:) Well that's a matter of taste anne - he's the only comedian who makes me laugh ...
Anne surely you want to catch up on the Queen? :-))
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eh no :)
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sorry , no ' carry on '' films
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All we watched yesterday was a prog on the making of Frozen. We listened to Queenie on the radio as we ate our feast - TV was otherwise a load of repeated rubbish.
Why put yourself through that. Think yourself lucky to have managed to miss Thursday's offerings ang go play with your Xmas presents instead ! If TV is a 'must' perhaps look further back in the 'catch up' that's still available.
Call the Midwife and Downton Abbey. That's 3 hours, add in the News, in my opinion enough viewing for 1 day
Tv is always rubbish these days, although I have to say Downton Abbey was very good last night. I tend to listen more to the radio these days and they now have podcasts if you miss a programme on the radio.
Downton Abbey was the only thing I watched over the holidays
earlier ohn anne - where was the person looking for me. Can 't go. on

Had to get a pivate taxi last night to the see "last" of th the bros -0 he looked fine to me.

Got a prifvate qa taxi home. So far so no newsw. Let knew who who was looking for me. Tganjks

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