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Poldark Episode 3

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LyndaB | 07:40 Mon 23rd Mar 2015 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Well ladies - have you all recovered from the sight of our hero scything in the (almost) buff? Oh my days!


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No. He does nothing for me!
I prefer his kitchen maid, soooo sexy, but why couldn't she undo the back of her dress, she didnt have probs putting it on, or was that an excuse?
He just keeps getting better in so many ways. MMmmmmmmm
I thought the same thing Trt and how strange that it exactly fitted her. I thought her Father was coming back for her the next day?
She has never looked like a waif, far too tall for Ross.
I thought Poldark's sweaty 6-pack would be top trending on Twitter but it was nowhere. The reburied dead king and Lionel Messi were of greater interest. Maybe everyone saw through the bolted-on gratuitousness of it.

But yes Demelza is lovely.

That pub floozy is nice too but in reality she'd have been a toothless ravaged hideous crone wouldn't she?

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Poldark Episode 3

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