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Baldric | 12:20 Wed 10th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

That stands for Toothless 'Phone Service imo!

Every day for past 2½ weeks, at least twice a day we have had a call from 01482 359334, if we answer they hang up immediately, if we don't answer they don't leave a message.
I've tried the various 'who called me' type sites all they can tell me is it's a Telemarketer from Hull.
So, I tried a complaint to TPS, we've been registered for a long time, and we're also Ex directory.
TPS tell me that because I can't supply the info req'd in Rules 2 and 3 of their Complaints Procedure,

///2. The call that you are complaining about must be a live unsolicited direct marketing calls where you had engaged in a live conversation with the caller who tried to sell/market their products/service.

and 3. You must be able to provide as a minimum the company name, date and time that the call that you wish to report was received.///

that there is nothing they can do to assist.

The calls do not worry us as such, we're both mature sensible people (but we can see how they could easily disturb someone with a nervous nature and/or living alone)

My point is, 'Why in this day and age is there seemingly no one or no organisation that can deal with these 'phone pests?'


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What did your phone company say?
The company is Next Step Money, in Hull.
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Hi Wolf, they said I could sign up to BT Privacy and/or Caller Display so I can see who's calling and register with TPS to stop unwanted calls.

Not very helpful imo.
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hc, tried your link, McAfee warned me off it. They don't answer the number they're calling from so I'll see if I can find another one that they do answer.
Try answering and maybe they will stop phoning.

I have given up answering the phone unless I am expecting a call or if the number is one that I recognise.

But you are right - it is an infringement on your time and there should be a way of getting the phone companies to help. I reckon that the problem is too big to control.

Whocallsme says it`s Next Step finance 01482 359200 I`d phone them and ask them if the number that calls you is them and if it is, I`d give them hell and threaten to report them.
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Report them to who?
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///Try answering and maybe they will stop phoning. ///

From the OP;

\\\ if we answer they hang up immediately, if we don't answer they don't leave a message.\\\
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Have used the ICO Report Link, will let you know what happens.

The idea of the OP was to highlight the fact that TPS are not the cure-all that everyone seems to think they are.
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