I thought when he was guest on 'Star in the reasonably priced car' part he admitted that he knew nothing about cars just bought ones he liked the look of.
Well there goes the end of Top Gear. Viewers liked watching Clarkson BBC. I know you don't like that but viewers LIKED watching Clarkson!!! It will start fairly well and then dwindle and die what a shame.
// I thought when he was guest on 'Star in the reasonably priced car' part he admitted that he knew nothing about cars just bought ones he liked the look of. //
You don't have to know anything about cars to present Top Gear.
Clarkson could be controversial, but he was entertaining and made Top Gear what it was. From what I have seen (or heard) of Chris Evans his chief 'talent' appears to be shouting.
One of the best BBC programmes curling up and dying.
It'll be like when he took over the R2 show from Wogan and everyone said it would be crap. It'll just be a different program, probably with a different audience.
There goes the programme - into reverse gear, big time. Evans is a an -anker at the best of times and we don't need to see him verbally masturbating behind a car wheel.