I thought it was quite silly tonight - the clothes and the cakes. There's definitely something wrong with it. The scriptwriters changed, I think, and the new one didn't like when the 'old team' spoke out against the storyline, then they gradually left. Such a shame, I used to love the sparkle that the others had.
I'll stick with it until the bitter end .It's been a brilliant series .
It has passed it's sell by date but you could hardly expect people like James Bolam who is now 80 to carry on and they've had to bring new people in.
Once the original cast started to get itchy feet you could see which way it was going . I hope they go out on a high.
I've loved every minute of it .Hard to believe it's been on our screens since 2003.
I think it's one of the most successful long running cop shows the BBC have ever done although Between the Lines comes a close second for me .