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iloveher | 13:52 Wed 14th Oct 2015 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
what's your favourite of the current television adverts?
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the one where the man pours water on his computer and the little dog takes the blame.
None at the moment but I used to like the Berocca log dancers.
the one between the cat and bird singing
They are all so boring after you have seen them twice or three times... I find it amazing that any company thinks that seeing the same advert persistently for even a week , much less 3 months or more, is going to persuade anyone with half a brain to choose their products. Still they do give one a chance to make a coffee or go to the loo or nip the dog round the block rather than miss the stunningly exciting programmes that are shown for hours each evening...... sorry a bit of sarcasm just crept in there.......
I don't often see the ads but did liked the Meerkat one with 'Arnie' listening to 'I think we're alone now' where he struggles to get out of the car.
I like the smart car one, the man is shocked to see back seat passengers, always makes me giggle.
The one with the Orangutan, with the background music of Nat King Cole singing ♫ When I fall in Love ♫
What's with the Goggle Box type of people, instead of the scarecrows on Emmerdale?
Mallyh, that's my favourite too!!! The look that dog, Benjy, is giving that man is priceless!!!
This one. The look on the kid's face still makes me smile
The Asda ones, love the catchy tune.
The G Tech Air Ram one with Queen singing, I Want To Break Free. The dancing woman is so funny.
The LLoyds bank one with horses through the ages. The disabled rider cantering through the forest at the end always brings tears to me eyes even though I've seen it loads of times. The song is a major factor.
Any advert that is quiet. Like Secret Escapes.
Loved most of the Specsavers ads., but my all time fav was a banned American Budweiser Xmas themed one.....

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