I was very impressed with Billy Connoly's stance with his fight with parkinsons, saying "don't let parkinsons take control". He must be an inspiration to a lot of people!.
I saw the recent tv series 'Tracks across America' and he was coping remarkably well, even managing to play his beloved banjo!
If its not breaking any data protection laws, I would be interested to know what form of medication he is taking, apart from his own dogged determination.
Yes he did very well considering, and have always admired him as a stand-up & as an actor.
I suppose this will probably be his last documentary, and would imagine that they took their time filming/making it, compared to his other ones.
Its amazing where/how the researchers find these unusual places, like the swap-shop radio station, all that Elvis stuff, the burger bar Sally something, and 3ft hot-dogs, really funny & interesting.