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Why Does Nobody In A Soap Opera.........

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Smowball | 18:25 Wed 18th May 2016 | Film, Media & TV
79 Answers
...... Have a washing machine??

How can they afford to drink in the pub every night?
Why do they have lunch in the cafe when they live 100 metres away?
Why does every character have every other character in their mobile phone- even ones they don't talk to?

Feel free to add your own... ( and yes I know it's not real! Just a bit of fun lol)


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But launderette are really expensive!
Why do none of them sit waiting all day for a delivery?
They never have to wait for a handyman, there's always one nearby.
There's always someone immediately available to run them to the hospital if there's a crisis.
And who does all the baby sitting.
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I've seen fizz n Tyrone n Emily Bishop all in pub at same time and I thought who's with the kids lol
They certainly pile the work on pupils of Weatherfield Comp. Tracey Barlow went upstairs to do her homework and came down 6 years later.
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Why is it that when they call somebody on the phone , it's answered within a few seconds ?
No one discusses politics or religion. No one in the soaps worry where the next penny is coming from. No one mentions having to go to a food bank. No one swears! No one picks their nose (thank goodness)!
Book holidays and plane tickets with no quibbling over the price and in the end, don't go!!!
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Take babies abroad with 2 hours notice and no passport!!
I wonder if Benny from Crossroads has found the spanner he went out to fetch. He has spent well over 30 years looking for it.
JD, did Benny go to that hardware store where you can buy four candles?
Why do any of them not have peripheral vision? When secrets are being revealed, there's always someone off to the side ear-wigging.

Billhooks , to you
Oooh!. That aint 'alf rude, our Bazile...Geroff with you.
Every time there is a wedding (or even a funeral) the ladies have the most elaborate hats and outfits that are never seen again, where do they keep them? Also whenever they are in the pub it is always 'I'll get those' how do they afford it?
How come Phil Mitchell takes young lads on as Mechanics without any training or apprenticeships.
Why do they always wear shoes in the house? I never do.

I think it's so they can storm out of the house at a minutes notice without putting on their shoes, or taking their phone, coat, bag.

It takes me 10 minutes to get my bits together when going out.
...and they always say in the pub, 'Keep the change', or, 'Have one for yourself'.
And how come they answer the door immediately. Do they hide behind it waiting for someone to knock or ring the bell?

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Why Does Nobody In A Soap Opera.........

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