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More4 --new 'high-brow' channel

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JackDanielsU | 21:01 Mon 10th Oct 2005 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers

just about to kick off now. Looks very promising.. Documentaries, dramas and comedy.

Kicks off with the David Blunkett saga A very Social Secretary..supposed to be very funny.



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Pity so much of the country still cant get freeview, I really wanted to see that Blunkett programme
A Very Social Secretary is being repeated on Channel 4 in about ten days time. Watch the listings for it. It is hilarious
Great!  thanks sydmayne
just about everything is being repeated on their from channel 4.Not a channel to get excited about.I wonder if itv 4 will be the same in november

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More4 --new 'high-brow' channel

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