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horselady | 21:57 Wed 16th Nov 2016 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Who's watching? Poor Piggy


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I've cried for that poor puppy. Horrrible situation. Dare not tell OH (squeamish and went upstairs) the outcome. :(
I too got upset. I really must stop watching these vets programmes.
So you weren't upset for the one PTS jourdain? That was the one that upset me.
I think what was sad was that the poor dog must have been suffering for quite some time before they bothered to get it treated. I think Noel struggled to keep his feelings from being made clear.
I love the programme but always end up in tears.
I think Noel is extremely talented in what he can do and the results he gets. Unfortunately he can't work miracles and like you Caran, I think Piggy must have been suffering some time. Sadly he had to put a cat to sleep the previous week which Noel had treated over a period of time, the owner and cat had travelled from Switzerland. Sadly when I see any animal put to sleep it always brings back memories of losing Puss 3 years ago.
I thought the chap who came from Switzerland had a little dog, in which case, Noel didn't put him to sleep. He died at home after his treatment which, I think, was to ease his pain
^ Yes, that's true. What a lovely picture at the end of Piggy - poor, brave lad.
Sorry roo, you are quite correct. I was getting mixed up with the Yorkshire Vet programme running at present on Tuesday evenings. That was a cat which had to be put to sleep a couple of episodes ago. I get upset over any animal having to go through euthanasia even though I know it is the correct thing to do. I can even sob at Lassie films and they usually have a happy ending.
Furry Pussycat, I'm the same - I cry at happy endings too! Do you watch Vet on the Hill. More4,9pm on Mondays? I enjoy that too though it has it's sad moments, like the others.
I can't say I've heard of that one but will check it out. More tears then! Thank you roo.

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