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Hopkirk | 18:24 Thu 18th Oct 2018 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
I often watch Supervet, about the practice that Noel Fitzpatrick runs.

Is his practice a one off, or one of many specialists?


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This is his practice's website.
I seriously cannot stand this man. He is a narcissistic self promoter . Heard him talking on the radio yesterday you would think he had invented compassion. Plenty of vets do exactly the same as him without having to blow their own trumpets quite so hard.
I'd think the work done by him and the other specialists in his practice should override opinions on the man himself.
I can't answer your question Hopkirk...though I imagine there are other practices doing similar. Fitzpatrick is an innovator though.
I think he often does operations for his own benefit not that of the owners or animals
Remember Thumper AuntLydia!
Was that the cat with wheels on its back legs?
Noel Fitzpatrick dors not operate on animals for his own benefit, if he thinks it's morally wrong or won't be beneficial to the animal, he won't operate.
Giving cats and dogs wheels for back legs is ridiculous. I loved my cat who is now dead but would never ever put them though anything like that. He does these surgeries because he can, not because he should. I bet the Animal Insurance Companies wince when they know he's the vet........
AL can you explain why you think that. It must have been about 2006 I was walking in the countryside with my own dog and met a lady who had a young Springer Spaniel in a contraption with wheels where its back legs should have been. It was charging around no problem, running up to other dogs and interacting, sniffing here sniffing there, came up to me for a stroke and pat on the head. Its paralysed back legs were resting on a ledge above the wheels is how I remember it. The dog looked very happy, it looked a life worth living.
Ladybirder I just think its wrong. That poor dog will have had problems urinating among other things. Just my opinion and I'm not judging people who do this. I really can't stand this 'supervet' its a totally irrational feeling but nevertheless I think he's self promoting. The Yorkshire Vets programme is totally different and I'm sure they do just as good work without the need for all the bells and whistles 'Supervet' seems to think is appropriate
I adore the Yorkshire Vets. Noel seems very accomplished in what he does. His patients owners seem very appreciative.
I honestly just saw a happy dog that day AL. Of course I have no idea what it took to get to that state or indeed whether all others are as successful.
Watching Supervet is de rigueur here but I notice how often he has to let us know how difficult it is and he's worried etc. But IF it is truly a pioneering piece of surgery he's doing ... who am I to criticise. I do think his love of animals shines through though. Yorkshire Vet is another 'must watch', for the scenery almost as much as the animals.
I love Noel Fitzpatrick and he is, imo, a genius who does amazing things. His love of the animals he helps shines through and he is without a doubt the best vet on the box.
a friend of mine went to see him on stage here in Belfast and she said the show he gave was superb.

jennyjoan, That's a bit my point actually...why would a vet need to give a 'show'? I know the Yorkshire vets do a thing at the Yorkshire Show but not quite the same as filling a theatre and playing to an audience. 'shudder' I like him even less now!
My parents went to see him on Sunday evening.
They said the show was wonderful and they left the theatre feeling genuinely uplifted.
NF is doing this tour of shows to raise money for his surgeries......he explains the costs of running the buildings, employing staff and being at the cutting edge of technology; and how so many people have a false impression that as a high-profile vet he must be loaded.

In the nicest and best way, he is 'experimenting' on animals and does so to a) help them and b) to advance research into 'human' surgery.
I'm not sure if he is a very clever engineer who likes animals, or a great vet who loves engineering. A bit like a pioneering orthopaedic surgeon .
He doesn't just like animals Anne he loves animals. It shines through on screen and in every article you read about him. And to all the women that fancy him he does hope to marry and have a child one day but his work will always come first he says. I wonder if it would once he held his child in his arms as that is a love he hasn't experienced yet?
Lovely article here for anyone with the time and inclination to read it.
He'll never marry as he'll never find any woman who will love him more than he loves himself. :-)
I’m afraid I agree with AL.

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