Peter Pedant
"and it was all started by Enoch Powell as health minister in 1962 who wisehd to run the NHS with immigrant doctors whilst the NHS trained doctors went off and ran the american health service
( sorry sqad - another unintelligble academic point ) "
Not the whole story PP.
British trained doctors always got the good jobs and the non-Brits (Asians) got the crap jobs that no "white " Dr would take and as for Consultants chance for the non Brits except Psychiatry that nobody wanted. Racial discrimination was rife in the Medical world in the 50's, 60's and 70's and still is to a much less extent.
"I didnt have time to screw the nurses, drink, wash or go to the bog etc etc) "
Wrong, although we worked in excess of 100 hours a week, we still found time to drink, nurses AND still go to the bog.
It is called ..."organisation."
"and as sqad well knows from his overworked underpaid time in the NHS, if a pillar of the team ( er sqad that is!) is absent - his elders and betters would find someone else to do it ! "
Wrong is almost impossible to lose your job in the NHS thanks to the strong Union support (BMA).....whatever your circumstances, you would still be paid.
Charity? the facts are that if you are working in a front line outfit in the NHS, one has commitments which cannot just be dropped to go off to outer Mongolia to a Diphtheria outbreak.