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Bloody Disgusting.

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Sqad | 16:32 Fri 19th Jan 2018 | Film, Media & TV
109 Answers
Judge Rinder.

Today, first case......two Gays, drag artists squabbling over a dress, with gay Judge Rinder in charge.........all Gays.
The disgusting bit: he involved, embarrassed and in my opinion made thew "bouncer" very uncomfortable on TV by saying that polka dot dresses were not for him (the bouncer)
He, the bouncer was clearly uncomfortable.
That was unnecessary in my opinion and showed poor judgement and taste.


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Just as a matter of no particular interest, is his name pronounced 'Rineder' or 'Rinnder'?
Hi Mave - welcome to AB.

You will find that posters who know each other, or at least know each other's on-line characters, will have a joke at each other's expense, knowing that the recipient will understand it in the spirit it is meant.

I think the exchange between Islay and Sqad is just one of those.
Surely you would need to know more about Sqad & Islay to know whether Islay was being hypocritical, Mave?

For all you know Sqad hates daytime telly and Islay loves it.
And you too mamyalynne. Been enjoying reading the posts while I've had the flu but on the mend now and will be giving my opinion on more posts soon, I'm sure.
Rinnder I think
Just looked at it. I don't think the bouncer looked uncomfortable. He chuckled. He's obviously used to working with a slightly camp judge who plays to the gallery.
Could take a bit of getting used to then Talbot. I only know Islay pulled up squad for watching JR then later said she also did. If that's banter between the two then I probably won't be joining in. Thought AB was to give help and opinions. I saw something unfair and posted. Maybe it'll be a while before I post again. I'll enjoy the banter instead. No
Mave - I think Talbot's post, and I know my post - were simply intended as a little friendly guidance, and not to make you feel excluded, that's not the way we roll here on the AB.

Hope it doesn't put you off!

No Andy it hasn't put me off, I just can't see the point. Unless someone has been posting for years how is anyone to know who is joking with who?
Sqad, I have never seen an episode of Rinder before. As I have some respect for you I have just viewed that part of the show on catch up.
I cannot say I am that surprised on Rinder's line of comment. However, I am not sure that the bouncer was embarrassed by the comment, not that he looked too chuffed by it either. He did manage a very slight smile a few seconds later so I am guessing he is probably used to being singled out by Rinder.

see from 6.49.
Three gays teasing a straight, makes a change, lighten up sqad.
It may well be a change but that does not necessarily make it good television.
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//Firstly Sqad and I have 'known' each other for many years\\

Two and a half years according to your profile.
Yes Jackdaw just like you are also in your first incarnation!
Islay, I didn't single you out as such, but your comment. How are new posters supposed to know when comments are a joke? As I read it, it seemed unfair on the face of it. It's fine though. I won't be posting again. I joined for enjoyment but it's much too hard work for me to bother.
Certainly not what I expected. stick can be fun....I'm in the queue to be the next Mrs Andy least stay to see if I make it.....and welcome.......Gx
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//I'm in the queue to be the next Mrs Andy Hughes\\

Ah'll tell shoota ! ;0)

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