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The Handmaid’S Tale

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Tyrion44 | 10:32 Mon 18th Jun 2018 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers
This second series is not as good as the first. Why do they persist in filming in near-darkness? I had no idea what was going on for a lot of the time last night.


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I think there's every possibility of the whole thing petering out as a story but still attracting enough attention from loyal viewers to satisfy advertisers and sponsors.
ichkeria, Yes, I can imagine. I think I'll wait until the series is finished.

Douglas, you could be right. What do you think of it? Have you read the book?
I haven't read the book Naomi and the first series lost me near the end.
I've only watched one of series two but can only imagine that it's a false dawn. Downloads await. :-)

i think its a great series, id like to see what happened to the environment, they send people to colonies like toxic wastelands ?
whats going on there, lots of questions, maybe parts of america broke up into separate countries, perhaps nuclear war happened, great series
I'm hanging in there just about. Yes it's brilliant but jeez it's bloody miserable, misery upon misery, horror upon horror. Chilling to watch and dreading what is going to happen next. I am exhausted after each episode.
I don't know, Fender, but that land is contaminated somehow. Maybe I missed why. Also how did the girl with one eye survive and end up there? I thought she'd thrown herself from a very high bridge.
ladybirder, // I am exhausted after each episode. //

Me too .... but I don't want the episodes to end. Worrying. ;o)


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The Handmaid’S Tale

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