The storyline involving Sinead is a heartbreaking one. At times I feel like shaking her and tell her to stop being so stupid and on the other hand I marvel at her bravery.
Why are they portraying her as not wanting to carry in with the chemotherapy? I get that she doesn’t want to hurt her unborn child, but the doctors explained it all to her.
its so sad. The one who plays the doctor (Michelle's son) he was in Love Lies and records and he played a father to a tiny baby and got married to his dying girl friend from cervical cancer and she must of held off the chemo, such a sad dilemma to be in
A sad dilemma for anyone indeed.The problem is that Corrie throw in so many storylines portrayed by actors one cannot believe in that Corrie is not the programme it was.
they get this story right ,but last night when steve trod on the laptop outside the police station to break it and then kicked under a car ,just left it there and it had weatherfield garage sticker on it just what the police were looking for,
I was angry with her last night when she put the hospital off yet again when they rang her with the next appointment! It's all been explained to her how the baby will be fine now - silly girl ...
Unfortunately I missed the first episode on Wednesday - only saw the second- so wasn't quite sure what was happening with Sinead.
I was impressed by all the Halloween outfits everyone has in their wardrobes which they were all able to put on at very short notice after nipping back from the Rovers and then returning all dressed up when they heard about the unscheduled charity event. it would take me weeks to come up with an outfit