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Jacko Docu

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thesshhh | 22:55 Wed 06th Mar 2019 | Film, Media & TV
81 Answers
These two guys and their families seem remarkably smiley and pleased with themselves despite their thoroughly unpleasant claims. Which parent in their right mind would let their child spend nights in the bed of an unrelated adult, superstar or not? What’s your verdict so far?


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oh dear, alans in a brahms again! PMSL!
I'll get the mop.
TTT, didn't you claim to be a member of MENSA?

*walks away giggling*
// so the CAB is wrong? right oh!//
yup ! right on !
yes I am in Mensa.
There’s obviously something in it, even though I too am surprised at their demeanour. Maybe they’re apathetic as they’ve learned to deal with the mental scars over such a period of time.
Whilst I’d never excuse his criminal actions I’ve always maintained that Jackson was himself a grotesque product of a childhood that was anything but normal and it’s not really a surprise that he turned out like he did.
I find it impossible to believe you can't withdraw a statement. And I've read jno's link.
Not saying you can make it disappear but surely you're not lumped with it until you're jailed for perjury.
We'll have to get AB's legal dept. on the case.
Ummm 23.45, Thought it was a child.
I've not seen the doc
Does it mean you'll have to burn your MJ vinyls and clean your turntables and amplifiers and
stylus .....?
My verdict has been clear on other threads.

They're doing it for the money. Else why now? Why not just after he died? Why not before even?
So what if they're doing it for money. Money makes life easier!!!
There are those who believe Jackson was a God and could do no wrong. Okay, so he had children sleep in his bed with him (but nothing happened, guv, honest). Then there are those who believe that there's no smoke without fire and that he was a complete nonce. A one-sided documentary will only serve to add fuel to the fire for the latter and have the former rushing to defend him to the death. His nephew was on Jeremy Vine yesterday and said that he stayed with Jackson on numerous occasions yet never saw anything untoward. Burglars don't burgle houses while being watched.
Ummm, if they're doing it for the money, they're not victims. They're opportunists.
Ken, that's not true. There are many who realise the severity of the mental situation jackson was in. I'm not saying the guys totally innocent, but i'm saying he's also a victim. A very twisted complex situation of emotion, fame, money and mental illness. Very muddy waters. When all is trailed and reviewed.. no convictions.
spicerack, as I understand it in the uK you can make a second statement saying what changes you would make to the first statement and why you want to withdraw it. What you can't do is entirely take back the first staement as though youb had never made it.
What part of my post isn't true, spath? Whether or not he suffered from some sort of mental illness did not deprive him of the knowledge of what is wrong and what is right.
That's what I'm saying, woof. You can't make it disappear as though it never happened. But you must be able to withdraw it, imo.
Ken, that there are loved supporters then people who hate him.. I'd say there are a load of people in the middle
Of course, spath. I was merely using the 2 extremes to point out that programmes such as the one aired serve very little purpose. There won't be that many people of an age who haven't already made their minds up about whether or not Jackson was a paedophile and this programme will not alter their opinions much, if at all.
Fame at the level Michael Jackson enjoyed it alters people.

It gives the individual the belief that they can literally do as they please all day long - because they are surrounded by people who not only facilitate that attitude, but actively encourage and applaud the individual for it.

Apply that circumstance to a normal level-headed emotionally mature man, and you have the serious danger that he will be irrevocably altered by the life he will lead.

Apply that circumstance to an already emotionally damaged immature man who has never known what normal life is, and you have the circumstances that lead to scenarios like the ones being explored in the documentary.

My 'verdict' is that I don't know, because I can't know, and neither can anyone else on here.

Anyone taking a 'guilty' or 'innocent' stance can only ever be expressing a view, and nothing more than that.

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