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Rodney Blackstock's choker thing!???

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MissCommando | 23:17 Sun 13th Nov 2005 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers

Ok, this has been bugging me for so, so long now. . .does anyone know why Rodney Blackstock (Emmerdale) always wears that tight, black necklace thing? What the hell is it for? he's never without it

thanks lol



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perhaps because he likes it? Perhaps because it looks good? Why does anyone wear any jewellery? perhaps because it is in his character? Perhaps it was given to him by a long lost lover and he uses it to feel close to them? Perhaps he presses a button on it to play a lullaby to send him to sleep? perhaps it's his beam up device for his spaceship? perhaps the answer is just "because"
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I was just wondering if his character wore it for a specific reason or if he had ever mentioned it. Oh knock me over with a feather, kazza. . .you're oh so clever! Well done

does it have to be 'for' anything? its just a necklace.

you say you were just wondering, but "what the hell is it for..." is not exactly an enquiring sounded like you have a problem with it...

Wow! How did such an innocent little question cause such a response? I've got a couple of photos of my Dad from the 70's and he's wearing something similar. He says it was just a fashion statement. It is strangely touching how performers who made a name for themselves in a particular period become attached to the style or trinkets that remind them of their glory days.
Well I'm not scared of you AB bullies, I do have a problem with it. It's tasteless, vulgar and, ermm actually totally in keeping with the whoel show.
I mean whole show
Didn't the Teddy Boys used to wear them. Bit before my time but I am sure I saw a picture of my brother in law wearing one.

Oooh I've always wondered that!

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No, I don't have a problem with it. . .it's just a bit odd. It's the tightness of it??!! It looks as though it's holding his neck together
He wears it ALL the time, not just when he is in Emmerdale, he was on something as himself last week, and he still had it on then.

Maybe he thinks he looks hip and happenin' with it on.

MissCommando I've wondered this myself but glad Ididn't ask now! It does look as if it's holding his neck on...maybe it is! Didn't realize he wore it away from Emerdale too.
? That's odd - i didnt realise my answer would be offensive .. i was giving you some suggestions
If he takes it off his HEAD falls off.

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Rodney Blackstock's choker thing!???

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