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Chloe55 | 21:19 Sun 02nd Jun 2019 | Film, Media & TV
72 Answers
Well, I will never watch BGT again. There were some fantastic acts on and the winner was an old man not worthy of the win. Disgusting.


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Not worthy in what way?
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He did not have talent.
Better acts were on Mamya... and not down to sentiment.
each to their own....the toilet paper factor perhaps?
Who won? The Chelsea Pensioner??
You need to aim your disgust at those who awarded him enough votes to win.

Who did you vote for?
Im sure the Queen will enjoy seeing him.
No comparison between his voice and that of Mark Mc Mullan
Let's be honest...he won primarily because he was an 89 year old former soldier.

I did call it on the other thread.
I agree Talbot. Not really fair on all the other more talented acts but I suppose it was a public vote.
I don't disagree with you Talbot especially given the destination of the next big gig.

What does rankle with me are terms like - not worthy or disgusting.
you often get unexpected results when you invite the public to vote.
Yeah, the OP is a bit strong and I can't grumble because I didn't vote for anyone.
I'm no fan of BGT but give the man a break. . He has a strong voice for his age but tonight he was drowned out by all the background singers. But it was a public vote and as such we should abide by it.
To say 'old man not worthy of the win' is in itself ,disgusting.
What was clear to me was the audience loved him.
Trying to word this correctly, but I thought that generally BGT was for acts/people looking to start a career in showbiz and a foot up on their path. This man is 89.
Gob-smacked. Good luck to the guy, but he wasn't the most talented performer, was he?

My choice was X.
I used to watch this programme religiously but this year it’s plummeted in how is used to be and after the first episode I just switched odd.
Smow other shows offer recording contracts etc.

BGT is a monetary prize and an appearance at the Royal Variety.

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