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Flesh And Blood

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chrissa1 | 22:03 Mon 24th Feb 2020 | Film, Media & TV
36 Answers
Just watched the first episode and it looks good. Plus it’s on for the next four nights. No waiting for weeks and weeks. I can recommend it. ITV1.


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Disagree, Vagus. He is a BAFTA winning actor who was also nominated for an Academy Award. His performance in The Shadow Line was a s near perfect as could be. Still, one man's meat, and all that. He wasn't meant to be a likeable character in flesh And Blood. He was meant to make you believe the worst in his character and that whoever had befallen violence had done so at his hand. Seems he succeeded as far as some are concerned.
//Thought Stephen Rea's best tv role came as the rather unassuming hitman in The Shadow Line.//

I must say I haven't seen him in anything since he played Carter Brandon in the magnificent "I Didn't Know You Cared". I steer well clear of any production or any Thespian that has been nominated for or been awarded any of the "Luvvie" awards. Quite why the profession has to spend a month each year dishing out prizes to each other is a bit of mystery to me. Anyway, I have only watched Ep1 of the series so far and I might watch the rest if I'm not too busy.
I actually agree that Stephen Rea was miscast as Mark, didn't look the type to be a surgeon, and certainly not someone that a woman like Viv would be attracted to. He was in The Stranger on Netflix too and was perfectly cast there as an ex policeman, he was brilliant. Funnily enough his character name in Flesh and Blood is Mark Killaney and in The Stranger it's Martin Killane, how weird's that?
I agree with those who thought Stephen was miscast. There was no chemistry whatsoever between Mark and Viv and nothing in his looks or personality that would have attracted any woman. He was just a creep.
//He was just a creep.//

So was Carter Brandon.
About to watch the third episode.

It's OK - although, rather shallowly, so I far I think the best thing about is the fantastic figure daughter number two has!
I enjoyed the series right up to the final
episode, then was completely left in the
air all the story lines disappeared.
By the way I think the police inspector
was miscast, very wooden portrayal.
^^^which is why I think there will be a second series.
Incidentally, if you search for these four episodes on the ITV Hub, they are labelled "Series One".....
My DIL raved about this drama and I intended binge watching on Sunday - not sure now...
It got better as the series progressed. But definitely there will be a second series. The very last scene made it obvious. Do watch it Maggie
I hate it when they leave things open for a second series, and the ending definitely pointed to that. They did the same with Liar, which I'd wasted hours on, and I won't be watching the second series about to start.
Found the Stephen Rea character unbelievable, so slimy and creepy, and SR looks like cross between Fred West and Deputy Dawg - very distracting! No way did he convince as a retired surgeon.
completely agree with the Stephen Rea character, not believable, Viv could have her pick of men, he was totally unlikeable. And a second series must be on the cards..
I agree too about Stephen Rea, but was the plan for the viewer to make him the suspect because he looks dodgy and unkempt as opposed to the 'sweet' old lady next door, i.e. you can't judge a book by it's cover.
Imelda Staunton was excellent as the neighbour
very creepy, personally i think she is in love with Viv...
Could well be Emmie. Or just scared to lose what she has known for most of her adult life. She felt needed by Viv.
walking all over Viv's house, trying on her clothes, spraying perfume about, that's more than needy, very strange...

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