I was looking forward to this as I read the book a couple of years ago with my book group. Now I read that the Tv series has changed everything. The main character in the book was Walter Moody. Now it seems a minor character called Anna Wetherell is to be the main character. They are going to portray her as a lone English woman travelling alone who falls in love with another character of colour. In the book, Anna is a prostitute working in China town. Why do the BBC do this? Completely change the story? Don’t think I want to watch it now.
It appears to be the BBC. I know it was a complicated read with all The zodiac connections and we decided to read it as a straight who-dun-it. I will probably watch the first episode and see what it is like. I know it is difficult reading a book then seeing the filM/tv series.
Sorry if I got it wrong. No slight intended for the BBC. I was reading An article about the series where they said it was adapted for the BBC.
I expect they couldn’t put everything that was in the book, it was quite a tome. I understand that, as long as the story is not changed. The main character is only in two episodes!
I rest my case! Slated for the toing and froing! Too any flashbacks. The book was a straightforward whodunit with astrology and half the stuff we saw last night was revealed at the end of the novel.
One has to remember that many dramas taken from novels are only adaptations. They are not meant to slavishly follow the book, page for page, word for word. Ladies and Gentleman, I give you 'The Dark Tower', directed by so-called 'fan' Nicolaj Arcel. Leave the 'l' off the end of his surname and you'll get an idea of what I think of his hatchet job on a series of books it has taken Stephen King the best part of a lifetime to write.
The book was said to be "unfilmable" because it gave each character's insight into different parts of the story. So (as far as I can tell) the author Eleanor Caton had made it more "linear" though with flashbacks.
In last night's episode Anna met Emery on a ship to the New Zealand gold rush. Nine months late she is found collapsed next to a man's body. She is said to be a drug-using prostitute.