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Broken News

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123paul | 08:38 Tue 29th Nov 2005 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

Has anyone else been watching this? I didn't think it would be very good but it is excellent.

Very 'un self aware' of the BBC though. They should take a look at their own news broadcasting output; especially regional news progs!

Anyone else noticed that Dermot Murnaghan is turning into Allan Partiridge. Seriouslly, look at the facial expressions, the cadence of the voice & the 'style'.



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It has been excellent, I agree. In fact in places it's hardly even satire it's so close to the truth, especially in the 'Look East' asides between the newsreaders and the weatherman.
Absolutely - the 'asides' and the rambling American guy are the funniest bits. Reminds me of 'Countdown' with Whitely and Vorderman, who didn't have a complete sense of humour between them. Note CV's braying laugh when she' not sure if Whiteley has said something funny, followed by his rictus grin - because he's not sure either!
Yeah it's good stuff, especially with Lucy Porter mmmmmm. It wasn't what I expected it to be though, I thought it would change channels mid sentence so that the two broadcasts when put together would say something silly like "Time for a look down south now/With an expert in that area, Jordan!". Does that make sense? Like when you change channels during the adverts and come up with something like "It's a taste sensation the whole family will love/new chicken Whiskas"

its good stuff, its been done before by chris morris and 'the day today' but this is very funny..

I like the film critic, the standing news, and the bit at the end where the 2 presenters read out the publics e-mails, containing extreme views but told in a breakfast tv type of way...its taking its satirical aim at all tv news, not just bbc, but also sky and itn, the pomposity, the tedium,the false banter between the presenters, and the lack of personal chemistry.

I love the ticker tape shares. they're great.
I loved the episode where every sigle European station was preedicting dom and gloom over a 'lost' island, then right at the end, the American stations ran the story as a joke item, and laughed at those 'silly careless Europeans - look what they've done now ..." Fabulous!
thanks folks, I didnt fancy this, but it sounds funny, will watch it next time. When is it on?

It's on Mondays BBC2 at haa-fpaa-snine (the last of 6 episodes is neck-stweek).

It's hilarious! My favourite bit is Melanie Bellamy walking about. Last night, I went out for the evening. I set my video to record "Broken News" on BBC2 and then "They Think It's All Over" on BBC1. The recording of BN finished just before the end, and the recording of TTIAO started in the middle of the weather forecast at the ened of the 10 ock-lock news. So what I actually saw on my videotape (when I watched it back afterwards) was a couple of spoof weather forecasters with maps, followed immediately by a real one with the new ghastly brown weather map that the BBC uses. I hardly noticed the join!

I always think of Dermot Murnaghan
as D�m�t M�n�h�n.

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