This question could have so many classic answers, from "African or European?" in Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail to "I am Spartacus" (obvious) to the cafe orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally, but surely the top one is "My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius..."etc from Gladiator. For sheer drama, you can't beat it. Others that must merit a mention are "Maverick requestin' fly-by" "Your request is denied" *BOOM* from Top Gun (of course), "Hey man, you just wrecked your Ferarri" "It's not mine", "I sh_t you not" and "Gentlemen, welcome to The Rock" from The Rock which wins on quantity and the 'bloody doors off' and "Hold on lads, I've got an idea" from The Italian Job. I'm sure I'll remember a classic as soon as I log off, but that's life!