Watching A Fascinating Film On Amazon Prime Called Amish Abduction in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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Watching A Fascinating Film On Amazon Prime Called Amish Abduction

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Bobbisox1 | 21:44 Wed 30th Dec 2020 | Film, Media & TV
48 Answers
I really like watching stuff how others live like the Hasidic ultra Orthodox Jews etc
That stuff like this still happens in our modern world
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What I do like about the Amish people is that they aren't baptised until they are at least 18, when the decide to stay in the community or leave. If they want to they can leave the community before they are baptised and experience life outside before committing themselves by being baptised.
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Yes I've watched a few documentaries on that Barry but I dare say they're so indoctrinated that few leave the enclave they grew up in , they're of German origin and have their own language
Cant have been very good documentaries, Bobbi, they’re Swiss in origin.
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What's a mere border of a mountain Zac lol
Hope your daughter is doing well
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*or* not of
can I just point out there isn't one set of Amish beliefs and practices or one set of Jewish beliefs....or one set of any other religious beliefs for that matter.
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I don't think anyone said otherwise woof ...did they?
I find it interesting that the Amish religion doesn't allow first cousins to marry whereas it is legal within the UK and the majority of western countries.
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Barry have you watched ' Shunned' that's another good insight to this religion
I don't think so, Bobbi
Oh I may have done if it is about people that have left the Amish religion and community
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There was also a series where 6-8 young Amish went to NYC to sample being English before they made up their minds to stash of leave
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Yes, anc how they're shunned, a word often used by them
I did see that series, Bobbi. I thought those young people were very brave, it would be like me being abandoned in a jungle.
Zacs I thought they were Swiss German and Alsatian.
Amish is not the only religion to shun those who choose to leave. JW do the same as do Scientologists, I'm sure there are other religions that adopt this practice.
lady j "The Amish originated in Europe after splitting from Mennonite Swiss Brethren in 1692 over the treatment of members who had been found guilty of breaches of doctrine."
Thank you for info Barry.
I didn't think they came from Swiss Italian or Swiss French.
Bobbisox was that "Breaking Amish?" that series didn't have a close relationship with the truth! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_Amish
10:42 woof, I totally agree. If someone has made their wishes clear, that should be good enough.

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