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Boo For Boris

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Canary42 | 16:57 Wed 06th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
Apparently there is far greater support for the idea of a daily "Boo for Boris" to reflect the general public's view of his incompetence in handling the crisis, giving the UK world-beating levels of death.


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How utterly, utterly pathetic can you get.
i haven't the energy for either -
// Apparently there is far greater support for the idea of a daily "Boo for Boris" //

Presumably Nicola, Mark and Arlene should be boo'd in Scotland, Wales and NIreland. There'll be even more boo'ing in Spain, Italy and Belgium
there some twitter stuff back in May - but can't seem to find any link or info on this latest news or whatever it is?
Don’t encourage him, emmie. He’s boring enough as it is.
indeed, but i did look and there is nothing since around May time - perhaps canary you care to elaborate.
nope nothing new
// UK world-beating levels //
Sadly no mention of above efforts for the virus

If the leader of the Labour party continues to support the government I don't think your wittering on will make a difference.
World beating levels of death when we're behind at least six other countries? If they didn't put covid related on all hospital deaths we'd be even further behind.
How has he been incompetent? How would another party leader have done better, Canary? I'm all ears....

And like JD said, how utterly pathetic.
// Apparently there is far greater support for the idea of a daily "Boo for Boris" //


Mush - you seriously want a link to Canary's brain?
30 thousand in hospital according to the latest news, its how they cope that is the biggest worry -
Our nephew has just tested positive, he took a test when he was alerted by track and trace after eating out ( Tier 2) Xmas Eve , he was alerted that someone in that restaurant had tested positive so he sensibly quarantined for 14 days, he then heard others in the restaurant had tested positive so he rang 119 and drove to Friarage in N.York's yesterday before national lockdown to get the test done , no symptoms at all
I’m afraid I agree with jack on this one.
Although if there is a link I’ll think of recanting :-)
Bobbi - hope he continues to be alright.
It can be frightening the way it attacks even healthy people.
He's in his early 60s with no underlying health problems LJ
Poor old Boris is facing something unprecedented, and surrounded by press and politicos alike, all saying the same thing, that he should have done what we all now know with hindsight, and the sad fact is that our leader is actually leading, but he has no alternative but to lead us through the battlefield, and keep on going until we emerge, bloodied, wounded, and in mourning for our losses, on the other side.
Boris cannot turn to his civil servants and ask them to dust off a plan from the pandemic archives.
He is leading from the front, making mistakes that are not apparent until the figures come in.
Nobody could lead us better.b
Canary - I just do not understand where you are coming from.

[(some people can be such plon***s).]

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