... for anything else. I loved the previous series of Marcella ... but having recently watched Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, and then going on to the latest Marcella, all I find is mundane and unexciting. Anyone else finding British TV drab? I blame Netflix! :o)
I watch very little telly at all. When I do, I generally avoid American programmes. However I do have to admit to being semi-addicted to US real crime series, such as Murder on CCTV and Murder Come to Town.
After Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul...(watched all again during lockdown) I think I'd've gone Mad without 'Supernatural' so yes US... I watched 'TheBoys' of similar elk to Supernatural.... a british drama thats interesting erm... If anyone suggestest Peaky Blinders I'm coming to get you.
I'd hardly call Marcella not flinching as her boyfriend had his brains blown out while he stood by her side, 'mundane and unexciting', Naomi. What more could possibly have been done to make that scene more entertaining for you, herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past the crime scene? :-))
Last autumn I watched Criminal Minds on Amazon Prime - the lot, and there is a lot! It kept me sane as I was moving house and had to go into a hotel. I also like Law and Order Criminal Intent, L and O Special Victims Unit and The Murders on 5 USA. I know what you mean about the American ones Naomi. There’s also SWAT on Pick and The Disappearance on 5 Star. And don’t get me started about Ozark - fantastic. With being confined to barracks for so long I don’t know what I would have done without ‘me telly’.
I'm beginning to tire of Netflix offerings, even when they are 'good' they are increasingly formulaic - grafted on explicit sex scenes, a forceful woman (now usually black!) in charge of men, women kissing women & men men, a troubled teenager hooked on drugs, the f word in every alternative sentence, etc. etc. usually all nothing whatsoever to do with the real narrative of the plot.
Line of duty when its back will be worth watching.
new Bloodguard i think its called with James Nesbitt started last night
The Bridge admittedly its scandi noir, but if its still on catch up
is amazing.
i don't have netflix so can't compare it to be honest.
scandi noir seems to be the way to go, The Bridge was excellent, all four series, Baptiste another good one. all shown on terrestrial tv.
don;t know if either of those is still showing however.
It depends what sort of TV you watch and how much of it.
I don’t really watch films or serials. If I did then plainly a specialist channel for such would be more appealing.
Emmie, Bloodlands is produced by HTM Television, which is co-owned by Jed Mercurio and Hat Trick Productions. He is executive producer of the series. It is actually written by Chris Brandon.
I don’t really like bad language or excessive violence, so this cuts out a lot of modern telly series for me, British and US. I like things like The Bay, The Unforgotten (can’t wait for the new series tonight), Macdonald and Dodds (new series starting), Shakespeare and Hathaway, The Mallorca Files etc. Have watched and enjoyed the first 4 series of Line of Duty. Currently watching series 5, but not really enjoying it so much. I also like some of the European series like Inspector Montalbano.
I thought that series five of Line of Duty felt like something slowing disappearing up its own posterior. Still excellent of course. But I thought it despite not having watched the previous four series at the time, and having then watched them I still thought that.
I felt the same about Peaky Blinders too - tho still a cut above (so to speak)