I agree with you...last nights episode was a joy to watch.... IMO of course. I have also read her books and got a better idea of how they met etc. I thought their Christmas was just a delight without hugely over priced gifts etc and with a real family feel. Not an electronic gadget in sight and they all talked to each other too ......sigh!
I loved it, yes Barry they’ll have their rows etc but that’s what makes them a normal family, if I wanted Clive and Amanda screaming at each other and their children, I’d watch something like Jeremy Kyle , last nights episode was lovely
Best programme . Lovely genuinely happy Family .Much loved and all willing to keep the farm running whatever the weather .And the older ones now training to take up their chosen careers . Need more families like them .Of course there will be unseen behaviour and I am sure disagreements but still the love for each other .
I do worry about what would happen if in a few years one of the children made a 'mistake' - it would be all over the papers. The parents have sold their childrens privacy.
Its not a documentary. They spend hours setting up scenes and the kids all know the questions/answers. ... And the eldest got a brand new car, not a wooden toy and a sugar mouse lol!
Yes barry -regardless of Health & Safety issues sometimes. My OH cringed when they were making a young child try and shear a sheep -no farmer would ever allow a child near Hand or Electric shears. FArmers, even up the Dales, take H&S verey seriously, too many people have died on farms in the past, sometimes in aweful circumstances.
Its a nice programme to watch if you know nothing about farming -thats all I'm saying.
It’s a lovely programme I agree, and a sweet happy family. But I would like to see a slightly more realistic angle occasionally! How do they get the washing dry in the we winter, what’s the internet like out there, do any of them have any friends and so on.
Maydup They are not exactly in the middle of nowhere ( I know as I live/farm in the area. Amanda has a clothes drier like most of us, and a dishwasher and a washing machine. Internet is patchy but you can get Fibre 1 which is a breathtaking 3-8Mbps. Some of her kids go to the local school and yes they both have friends. They are just normal people and are treated that way.