naomi - // Overweight people know that their choices are making them fat - but still they choose to do it. //
I disagree.
I am sure you would concede that there is a measurable link between obesity and poorer social and ecconomic stratas of society.
People at the lower end of the social, ecconomic, and intellignce meaures of modern society simply do not make the link between what they eat and drink, and the effect it has on them physcially and mentally.
I believe they simply lack the mental capacity to think those links through, and lack even more the incentives or inclination to adust their diets accordingly.
That is why I believe that a punitive tax system, which can only be rooted in the rather mean-spirited superiority of upper classes who deem the lower classes to stupid to help themselves, is a backwards step.
I can only repeat my assertion, that education is the way to society improving the way it eats and drinks.
A good start would be tbe reintroduction of what used to be known as 'domestic science' in schools.
Teach children before they reach adulthood, that a properly balanced diet is not only less expensive, it is entirely beneficial, and you can eradicate obesity within two generations.
It won't happen, becuase the essence of politics is short-termism - ministers want 'results' they can see before the next election, not planning for the greater good over the longer term.
Education - expensive, budget-draining, long-term.
Taxation - revnue-providing, appearence of 'action' and short-term non-lasting 'results'.
Which one appeals to the modern politician?
Answers on a postcard ...