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The Larkins

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Theblip | 07:00 Mon 01st Nov 2021 | Film, Media & TV
44 Answers
Any thoughts on The Larkins? How’s it comparing with The Darling Buds Of May?


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He'd be out of his depth in a puddle. Brilliant as a quiz show host but couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. In my most humble of opinions, of course.
If you're old enough to have seen the DBOM then don't bother with the Larkins but if you haven't then the Larkins is quite more, no less......just quite pleasant.

The black tax inspector is just a wimp.
The Larkins hasn't hit our shores on main stream TV yet.
Did enjoy the darling buds though.
Thanks for the heads up,
I thought the first 2 eps were very poor with no real storyline but 3 & 4 have been much better.
Same as Naomi. Love Bradley, but found it a load of rubbish. And yes 'woke'. Watched the first episode, but never again. Loved The Darling Buds.....
Bradley was a very good actor in a police series he did. Can't remember the name of it though. No comedy at all.
Law and order: London. I looked it up! He was excellent, so I can't accept he's a bad actor.
Very rarely does a ressurected popular programme with a different cast succeed.
I enjoy it, I try not to compare it to the original - the cast is excellent, great Sunday night tele with the family
Agree with Pat above ^^. Bradley was very good in Law and Order.
I like it,I was too young when the darling buds of may was out, this is just easy going tv and a change from reality shows, police drama and cooking. I like Bradley and if I was honest, I doubt i would watch it with another actor as Pop Larkin. he did say in a promotion interview that the first week or two is more an introductory to know who's who in the story
Bradley Walsh was an actor long before he was a quiz host - he was in Corrie for a few years and in Law & Order UK for 5 years - and of course he was in Dr Who.
I like him.
//The black tax inspector is just a wimp.//

I seriously doubt that there were ANY black tax inspectors at the time this series is set. Enjoyed the original but couldn't take this new lot.
maybe he's a spin-off from the black Anne Boleyn?
Don't watch it and didn't watch DBOM, but I remember Bradley Walsh in Corrie and I thought he was very good in that and was sorry when he left.
He was good in Corrie. Never saw him in Dr Who. But haven't watched that for many, many years.
I remember a comedic scene in the Rovers and he handled it brilliantly and really made me laugh !
I've not seen him acting in anything else.
He was good as the factory boss in Corrie, I believe he came in as Mike Baldwin’s nephew ,a cockney Jack the lad
Toc Stephens isn't playing a 'black man'. He happens to be a black actor who got the role - nothing is made of his race in the series.

The first black civil servant in the UK was Olaudah Equiano, born in 1745, a former slave.

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