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Billy Connolly

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grumpy01 | 21:46 Sun 26th Dec 2021 | Film, Media & TV
68 Answers
After the musical show on comes that foul mouthed totally unfunny alleged Scottish comedian.Couldn’t turn him off quickly enough.


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Dave Allen's more my type of comedian. Loved him, so funny.

Now Dave Allen....yes! Rather like Bill Bailey too.
Bazille, Mrs Brown is well worth viewing. Both Connelly and Judi Dench are magnificent.
Thanks Mamy/ moz

Was that revenge for the extra l I put in your name? :-D
no , not at all :-)

I tend to shorten people's names , on here
No worries Baz, it would've been deserved had it been lol
He was funny once, well maybe 3 times then he started believing his own publicity.
I too could never forgive him for poor Ken Bigley. It was NOT a 'mistake' (what a weird comment) and he refused to apologise for it !
To the offended I simply refer you to Stephen Fry and his well known comments.
Billy Connelly doesn't offend me. He disgusts me.
I wasn't 'offended', I was disgusted, there's a difference and I can't stand Stephen Fry !!
Lol, snap !
I can’t remember the Ken Bigley thing, had I have seen it , it would definitely have changed my opinion of the man !
One very ill-judged remark doesn't define a person imho. Absolutely love the Big Yin and have done since i saw him being interviewed by Michael Parkinson, back in the day.

Comic genius…. Braw
I've never liked him. To call that remark ill-judged is a kindness.
I actually called it 'very ill-judged', Naomi. Slightly more serious.
bs; I'm with you on Stephen Fry, an odious creep

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