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Billy Connolly

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grumpy01 | 21:46 Sun 26th Dec 2021 | Film, Media & TV
68 Answers
After the musical show on comes that foul mouthed totally unfunny alleged Scottish comedian.Couldn’t turn him off quickly enough.


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Ill-judged to any degree it isn't, Ken. I simply do not understand how anyone could get even close to finding a smidgeon of any sort of humour in Ken Bigley's horrendous situation. Perhaps Connolly's psychiatrist wife understands it because as sure as hell I don't. The man is a moron.
Khandro - //I'm with you on Stephen Fry, an odious creep//

Has that got anything to do with his views on religion by any chance?
We can like/dislike people as we wish. I’d hate to Live my life actually hating anyone . Hatred is a very bad emotion.
If I'd spent nearly seventy years just disliking one man instead of hating him I'd think there was something wrong with me.
There are situations, Anne, when hating is too mild.
mozz //Has that got anything to do with his views on religion by any chance//

Not really, (though his silly broadcasting of his views doesn't help). I actually know some quite decent people who manage to be atheists without being creeps.
I've heard of a 'creeping Jesus' but never a 'creeping atheist'.
Love or hate him as a comedian, he made some wonderful films, Mrs Brown, What we Did on our Holiday and Quartet to name but three. His Tracks across American, World Tour of New Zealand and World Tour of Australia were amazing series.
khandro- fair enough, what makes Fry a creep in your eyes then (if you don't mind my asking) as it's not a word I'd ever use to describe him?
//unfunny alleged Scottish comedian//

He’s definitely Scot’s, he’s definitely a comedian and has made an absolute mint out of being (allegedly unfunny)so maybe he is actually funny
The fact that you don’t like him is not his loss only yours
So why don’t you like Stephen Fry, Khandro?
I've never rated Connolly's stand-up act. Some of his other stuff is watchable.
Is it the person we dislike, or the accomplishments they have made?
the person
So why don’t you like Stephen Fry, Khandro?

In one word: oleaginous!
I never got as far as Billy Connelly last night. I had to turn off that dreadful show music competition!!
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The girl who won was a thoroughly deserving winner Pat,you missed a good show.John Barrowman is OTT but not unwatchable
Grumpy. I just can't watch Elaine Paige, or listen to her awful Sunday show on Radio 2. And in general we don't like musical theatre. So we watched a Netlfix Series, followed by a Netflix film.
But glad you enjoyed it. :0).
I used to like Billy Connelly and he really is a good actor. But I don't like crude humour.
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Pat,talking of crude humour I saw Jethro live a couple of times and although some of the things she used to say were a bit crude he never swore.

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