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It’s Not News Really

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Bobbisox1 | 18:08 Tue 04th Jan 2022 | Film, Media & TV
38 Answers
But I can’t take my eyes of the fella signing for Boris’s briefing currently being shown, he looks in pain :0(
When he’s saying about the injection, he winces :0(


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A very worthwhile thing to do , I think now if I still worked in retail as I did in later years, I’d brush up on those skills, I think they’d have come in very handy
crikey - cripes our PM has just used pulpit
and evangelist ( but not 'preach')

ignored by the signer
In Brussels, Bobbi, I was standing near tables at an outside bar as Dave fetched us a drink.
A group of young Irish people were at the table I had my eye on as their glasses were empty. They were all deaf and signing. It was so interesting! Watching them sign about everyone around.
As they got up to leave looked at me and pointed to the table I signed....Thank you. Have a lovely day and a great holiday.
Bit rude I know to signdrop.....but hey!

Scariest was following a car in which the driver and passenger were signing.
//I think now if I still worked in retail as I did in later years, I’d brush up on those skills, I think they’d have come in very handy//

Probably not as handy as you think. I believe there are around 150,000 sign language users in the UK. That one in about every 380 adults, so you'd be very lucky to encounter one.
gness, is signing valid whatever language the speaker is using?
Grey haired baldy has been torturing the signer
" retrograde policy, one which we do NOT wish to see a return to...."
and even ( gasp)
"we are NOT sure that a peak has been reached especially in the younger age group - other groups may well fill the iTUs later"

oh and - - devout... used as a metaphor
No, Atheist, signing isn't universal. I signed in England and it's slightly different here in Ireland even though both countries speak English. Same with America.
I think there are about 300 different sign languages and there are even regional differences.
There can be changes too. When I was learning the sign for Ireland was to flick your fingers across lapels. This was where the Shamrock was worn. Somebody decided it looked like we were flicking fleas so the sign was changed. I know the new sign for Ireland in BSL but not what it means!
As easy to insult or to take it is with speech... :-)
Thanks, gness.
Oh it's handy, NJ. You can't know how lovely it is for a deaf person to come across a signer.
Yes I know it doesn't happen often but if everyone had the inclination to learn even a little it'd be bliss.
Welcome, Atheist. Part of my desire to sign was to communicate with a neighbouring lad here in Ireland when I visited.
I was well into it before discovering we would be signing differently!
A little bit of miming overcame that problem but had I mimed at all in my exams I'd have failed as a friend did. Miming's very much looked down on.
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NJ I would have liked to be able to fluently sign when I worked in a large store , I’m sure someone deaf would like that service
Bobbie. You have no idea how much that'd be appreciated.
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Just to have a person that could be called upon to me would be an asset to any workplace x
Wasn't there a fraud who incorrectly signed at Nelson Mandela's memorial service?
There sure was. Hilarious
// I know the new sign for Ireland in BSL but not what it means!//
it means Ireland of course
One is flicking a leprechaun off the L shoulder

the old one is spadework ( digging potatoes) considered insulting
slitty eyes is NOT used for chinese but IS still used for Asian
Caste mark is frowned up on for Indian
oh and the new one for LGBTQ+
The crazy south african signer - recommended by a friend of the family so they cdnt get him off even tho it was obvious after a few minutes that something was a foot

You know goggle box - used to have the very large chauffeur who liked popping sheets of the plastic crinkle pop ?
his 12 y old son on camera identified the fake very quickly even tho he was english and didnt sign.
because around 20% of the signs got repeated showings - 20% of the signs used were a restricted subset (OK the kid didnt say that). I was really really impressed by that

( screams from the usual suspects: foo what gogglebox, what dat den etc etc)
In Wiltshire, Giles and Mary......

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