I quite liked it, but wouldn't care if I never watched it again. It was obvious, to me anyway, that the three Freddies would win and the one who went through was definitely the best singer, if you closed your eyes he sounded just like Freddie. I don't see the need for three of them though, one contestant in each category would have been enough. I am a fan of Ollie Murs.
I am a fan of Ollir too. I watched it and enjoyed the Freddie's. The winner deserved to win! I didn't much enjoy the other acts and I really don't like Adam Lambert. I'll probably watch it again, but won't mind if I miss it.
Perhaps they could replace Adam Lambert with the Freddie who won!
I don't like Dancing on Ice at all. I liked it for the first couple of years and then thought it got a bit tacky and cheaply produced. And I like live music.
Yes her voice sounded odd as if she was under the influence r had something stuck in her mouth but some of the others did too so maybe it was just the sound system