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What Do I Do, When I Love A Person That I Know Will Never Ever Love Me.

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Be1kna | 04:58 Wed 25th May 2022 | Family & Relationships
12 Answers
What do I do, when I love a person that I know will never ever love me, and I also know that I am annoying to that person, she bypasses me in the game, and she also already knows that I love her. But when I search in google what to do it says that I need to forget the person and start liking another person, but I really can't because I only love her and I don't really care if I won't feel good, if I will be alone all life. But from the other side what will be the point then, and if I will never stop loving her, will I live alone to my death? That person Is also says that she is always bored, but how am I annoyed to her then? Is there something else she will never love me? Maybe it's because I was born In a wrong body (feminine), or is it anything else. I also thing sometimes that she is too perfect for me, and that I am so bad. But when I look at myself another time, I can do a lot of things like I am good at soccer, at basketball, I don't make anyone feel bad or anything, and I share her all my secrets, I give her presents everyday, I think about her, I want sex with her, I want to kiss her, and hug her, but she wouldn't like any of these, I give her money, even if I know that it's not good to buy a heart. Idk what to do, what to feel, and I am mad. Not mad at her, because I love her, and only, but I am mad at myself for being annoying, I am mad at my life, at everything. When I start thinking that it's all because of my gender, I know it would be easier, but then I probably won't meet her, and I won't wish that if I had to wish something that will come try. Sorry that you had to read all that, I just want something rather that crying, and mad.


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If you truly love them you have to let them go and live the life they want. Too many are not prepared to do that which can lead to stalking & violence and you wouldn't want that for someone you love would you?
05:16 Wed 25th May 2022
-- answer removed --
move along !
find someone else, its no good mooning over someone that can't/won't love you back.
Best Answer to 1ozzy !
If you truly love them you have to let them go and live the life they want. Too many are not prepared to do that which can lead to stalking & violence and you wouldn't want that for someone you love would you?
Giving her daily presents and money is not healthy, normal or good. She has made it clear she doesn’t love you, and you are not going to change her mind. Move on!
Forget her.
you identify as female, perhaps she is not into you because of that reason, stop giving money, gifts, it's to no avail.
In answer to the title:

You accept another's right to make their own choices, stop being sad that you aren't going to get what you presently want, and move on to form relationships with others, some of who may reciprocate your own feelings.
How do so many people find this site, join and immediately pour out their most intimate problems? I think you'd be better finding a telephone based advice line rather than coming here for the armchair counsellors' opinions.
If your taste is for female more than half the worlds population is female so maybe you are setting her on an unreachable pedestal.
You sound young... Trust me, there will be others, lots of them. Also just get on with living, you meet more people that way. pretty much Everyone has someone in their life who they fell for but couldn't have, it's how you learn to deal with the bad side of love. Come back in ten years time and tell me I was wrong.... Trust me you wont!

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