The thread relates to demonstrations in France and the translated question title includes a word which Chambers Dictionary shows as "noun, Brit, offensive slang a French person."
Will it now be acceptable to refer to other nationalities using similarly offensive slang and claim it is, "a bit edgy"
Most French people I've known, TCL, see it as 'jocular', rather than as 'offensive'. For example, the French assistante in the school I taught in happily spoke of "We froggies . . ." to refer to French people, while, at the same time, saying "You roast beef . . . " when talking about us.
I'm happy for the French to refer to me as one of 'les Rosbif', just as I'm happy to be described as a "whinging pom" by Australians.
When we lived in France we often heard the term 'les Rosbifs' applied to what they also called 'les Brits'. We used to answer with a cheery 'les grenouilles' and much hilarity on both sides always ensued. People are rather over-sensitive these days.