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Hide It Box For Our B T Box ??

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grandpajoe | 09:50 Fri 14th Apr 2023 | Technology
9 Answers
We or rather I has decided to fix our new 50in T V to the wall. I have done this in a bedroom but this one has a B T box. I am told there are "Hide It" boxes that can be fitted BUT which one??? We are going to put this monster TV up Saturday or Sunday so it might be feasible to place the box later. Any thoughts folks please??


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Unsure I see much value in hiding one box by putting it in ... another box. Still, tastes do differ I suppose.
Hi OG, It's not a box as such. It's a bracket designed to hang on the wall behind the TV so that no cables or boxes are visable. Look at the link I had put above.
I saw your link already. Didn't understand why you'd posted a bracket when a box had been requested. Thought you were suggesting an alternative, but one that still left it visible.
My thoughts...don't have a TV in your bedroom.
HIDEit is a brand name. I think Grandpajoe must have thought it was some kind of box.
Cheers. One lives & learns (hopefully).
I learn something new everyday , Unfortunately most of it goes out the other ear ;-)
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Thanks folks. Yes hide it is a brand name. I am looking for something to take our B T box once I've got the new wall mounted T V in place ,that's all, Cheers, Chris

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Hide It Box For Our B T Box ??

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